Richard Ranft's blog

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2017 IASA Conference - Call for presentations extended

Dear friends and colleagues,

This year's conference promises to be another great, thought-provoking event, and your local organising team is well on their way to making your visit to Berlin an inspiring one.

Sustaining Sound and Image Collections - International SOIMA course 2017

Conceived within the framework of ICCROM’s SOIMA programme, the advanced workshop is tailored to address the challenges of collecting, preserving and using (and reusing) sound, still, and moving image content within the broader context of rapidly changing technology and shrinking resources. It will focus on collection management issues in different institutional contexts that are unique to these types of materials.

Applications for IASA Travel Awards 2017 – Now Open

Applications for Travel Awards are now open and all IASA members in good standing are welcome to apply for assistance to attend the 47th Annual Conference which will be hosted at the Ethnological Museum Berlin Dahlem in Berlin, Germany 17-22 September 2017. Please visit for more information on the conference. 


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