Discography Committee
Chair: Peter Laurence
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library
Harvard University
3 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: +1 617 998 5312
e-mail: laurenc@fas.harvard.edu
Vice-chair: Ferenc János Szabó
Institute for Musicology (HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities)
H-1014 Budapest, Táncsics M. u. 7.
Phone: +351 210 037 198
email: szabo.ferenc.janos@abtk.hu
Secretary: Filip Šír
National Museum
Karmelitská 2/4
118 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 605 47 34 83
email: filip_sir@nm.cz
Officers of the Discography Committee (chairpersons, secretaries) are elected within the committee. The committees exclusively decide on the objects and tasks they deal with.
The Discography Committee deals with standards and recommended practice concerning collections of published recordings.
Creating an International Bibliography of Discographies: A Worldwide Collaborative Project
A National Discography provides guidelines to best practice for members who may have the responsibility for establishing national discographies in their country, who intend to establish this service, and who may be seeking funding.
Discography Committee Forum (IASA members only)
IASA Members who have declared interest in this group (IASA members access)