6. Conference planning committees and organization
6.1 Introduction
Conference committees and organizational structure may vary according to conference circumstances. IASA conference hosts may choose to operate with whatever structure best suits their needs. This may be one committee, several committees, or no committees using the existing organizational structure of the conference host. Some structure may depend on whether a professional conference organizer is employed. The key is that whatever committee or organizational arrangement is chosen, the basic activities in organizing the conference are assigned and responsibility for those tasks is understood. These responsibilities are outlined in a Summary of Conference Responsibilities. A suggested timeline has also been provided in the Conference Planning Timeline.
6.2 Conference planning/local arrangements
6.2.1 The conference hosts should decide how they wish to organize their own conference organization. The EB will delegate a representative, usually the VP for conferences, to liaise with the conference hosts to provide advice and assistance and keep the EB current on conference plans. The conference hosts are responsible for local arrangements, the conference site, and conference rooms, among other things. It is ultimately their choice and responsibility for these arrangements. The EB will advise and assist.
6.2.2 The arrangements are more complex for a joint conference. There should be balanced representation on the planning group but this will not always be possible if the one association membership is low in the host city/region. Both EBs should delegate representatives to work with the local organizers.
6.3 Programme planning
The end result of programme planning is to have a conference programme built around the theme agreed upon by the conference hosts and the EB. The lead for organizing the programme will be taken by the Vice-President in charge of the conference programme. He or she should have a contact person or persons from the local organizers with whom to discuss local programme needs, training sessions, and programme organization. The VP in charge of the conference programme will be responsible for the Call for Papers, the development of the preliminary programme, a second Call for Papers (if required), the final programme, coordinating session chairs, and arrangement of any audiovisual needs for the speakers. See IASA Guidelines for Chairpersons and Speakers.
6.4 Publicity
The EB, together with the local host, undertakes to promote the conference through the IASA Journal, IASA mailing list, web sites, social media, and any other appropriate channels, local and international. Announcement of the conference, and other promotional activities should be coordinated with the publication schedule.