National Archives Section

Chair: Dr. Janet Topp Fargion
The British Library Sound Archive
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB

Vice-chair: [vacant]

Secretary: Dr. Gila Flam
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Jewish National and University Library
PO Box 34165, Jerusalem 91341, Israel
Phone: +972 2 658 46 32

Officers of the National Archives Section are elected within the committee. The committees exclusively decide on the objects and tasks they deal with.

The National Archives Section is where members meet to consider issues facing officially designated national collections, e.g. acquisition policies, legal deposit, the management of large collections, whether held in archives, museums, libraries, dedicated audiovisual organisations or research institutes and universities.

The Section has launched, in collaboration with IFLA, a global survey of legal deposit for sound and audiovisual materials on a country by country basis, in order to create a new world registry of legal deposit provision.

National archives: external links

National Archives Section Forum (IASA members only)

IASA Members who have declared interest in this group (IASA members access)