IASA Elections 2014

To all IASA Members:          

2014 is an election year for the IASA Executive Board.

As stated in the constitution: “The Executive Board shall be elected by the members of the Association. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to stand for election.” - See more at: http://www.iasa-web.org/iasa-constitution#part3-Exec and further details about the Executive Board elections

70th FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives) congress

4 May 2014 to 10 May 2014
Skopje, Macedonia

70th Congress of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) to be held in Skopje, Macedonia, from May 4 to 10, 2014.

International Archives Day

9 Jun 2014

At the International Council on Archives (ICA) international Congress in Vienna in 2004, the 2000 participants adopted a resolution requesting the United Nations to create an International Archives Day. Some countries had already decided to have a national archives day, to raise awareness of the general public and the decision-makers about the importance of archives. The UNESCO General Conference at its 33rd session in Paris 2005 proclaimed the 27th October as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.

137th AES Convention

9 Oct 2014 to 12 Oct 2014
Los Angeles, USA

Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention


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