Reactions to the Record symposium

3 Apr 2014 to 5 Apr 2014
Stanford, USA

The 2014 Reactions to the Record symposium
() will
take place April 3-5, 2014 at Stanford University's Bing Concert Hall
Studio. The symposium includes concerts, lectures, workshops, and
exhibits. A keynote address will be delivered Friday, April 4th
by*Richard Taruskin*, author of the/Oxford History of Western
Music./*Kenneth Hamilton*, author of/After the Golden Age: Romantic
Pianism and Modern Performance,/will be presenting a lecture-recital on
Friday, April 4th. The*Ironwood Ensemble*from Sydney, Australia will be

Call for Papers: Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council Annual Conference

Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council

Annual Conference 2014 - Call for Papers

The BAAC annual conference will be held from September 17 to 19 this year in Riga, Latvia, in the National Library of Latvia, also called „The Castle of Light” - an impressive sight and one of the largest new cultural buildings in the Northern Hemisphere in the 21st century. The conference will be hosted by the National Library of Latvia, in cooperation with the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia), the National Archives of Latvia and Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.

Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council conference

17 Sep 2014 to 19 Sep 2014
Riga, Latvia

Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council
Annual Conference 2014

The BAAC annual conference will be held from September 17 to 19 this year in Riga, Latvia, in the National Library of Latvia, also called „The Castle of Light” - an impressive sight and one of the largest new cultural buildings in the Northern Hemisphere in the 21st century. The conference will be hosted by the National Library of Latvia, in cooperation with the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia), the National Archives of Latvia and Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.

Keeping Tracks : A one day symposium on music and archives in the digital age

21 Mar 2014
London, UK

Where: Conference Centre, British Library

Price: Free, booking essential

A one-day seminar addressing issues in contemporary archiving for record labels, archives, institutions and individuals.

Beginning with a presentation of the British Library’s perspective on cutting-edge audio archiving techniques, delegates will hear from the experts how to best preserve, conserve and transfer sound recordings from physical to digital. The British Library’s pilot digital music deposit project for archiving contemporary releases will be introduced by its creators.


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