IASA Annual conference

5 Oct 2014 to 9 Oct 2014
Cape Town, South Africa

IASA 2014 Annual Conference: Connecting Cultures: Content, Context, and Collaboration

Cape Town, South Africa, 5-9 October 2014 #iasa2014

Conference themes:

•Content and technologies
•Connecting data
•Contextualisation and Curation
•Curators and creators
•Customer-driven services issues
•Crowd-sourcing, cataloguing and content management
•Collaborative learning

18th SEAPAVAA Conference: Conference Call

18th SEAPAVAA Conference: “AV Archives: Why They Matter”

Lao Department of Cinema, Vientiane, Laos. 26–30 May 2014


The nature, purpose and potential use of AV archives and the great cultural value and memories which these archives hold for nations and their peoples are not widely understood or properly appreciated.

The theme for the 18th SEAPAVAA Conference “AV Archives: Why They Matter” seeks to explore and discuss the myriad of issues listed below, during the two-day Symposium on 26 and 27 May 2014.

18th SEAPAVAA Conference: AV Archives: Why They Matter

26 May 2014 to 30 May 2014
Vientiane, Laos

Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA)

The theme for the 18th SEAPAVAA Conference "AV Archives: Why They Matter" seeks to explore and discuss the myriad of issues listed below, during the two-day Symposium on 26 and 27 May 2014.

Digital Audiovisual Preservation in Communities of Practice

4 Dec 2013
Paris, France

As part of the Presto4U project, PrestoCentre has established a series of nine Communities of Practice in the principal sub-sectors of audiovisual media preservation, bringing together groups of peers in the archival world who share interests and problems specific to the nature of the audiovisual objects they keep. The nine communities represent most of the domains concerned with audiovisual documents. All communities have local specific problems that will be addressed by PrestoCentre.


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