audio preservation

IASA's landmark TC 04 now published in Catalan

Message forwarded from Margarida Ullate i Estanyol (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)

La Biblioteca de Catalunya ha fet traduir al català les "Directrius per a la producció i preservació d’objectes d’àudio digital" de la IASA, una obra considerada imprescindible per als professionals de la preservació i digitalització de documents sonors.

3-day course on Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections

Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections (3 day course)

The British Library, London, 22 - 24 October 2012

Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections

22 Oct 2012 to 24 Oct 2012
London, UK

Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections (3 day course)

British Library, London, 22 - 24 October 2012

Emil Berliner's voice recovered from a picture in a periodical

Fascinating story about Patrick Feaster's recovery of the voice of Emil Berliner from a picture in a periodical.

News release from Indiana University:

Blog with an audio clip


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