audio preservation

TC-04 Now Available for Order

TC-04 is now available for order via the IASA webcart. Please visit for more order info.

ARSC Conference 2013: Call for Presentations

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) posts the following message.

Proposal deadline: January 4, 2013

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections invites proposals for presentations at its 47th annual conference, to be held May 15-18, 2013, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Australian National Registry of Recorded Sound 2012 additions

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia's 2012 additions to the National Registry of Recorded Sound have been announced by the Federal Minister for the Arts Simon Crean.

The additions, with streaming audio, are on the NFSA website:

IASA's landmark TC 04 now published in Catalan

Message forwarded from Margarida Ullate i Estanyol (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)

La Biblioteca de Catalunya ha fet traduir al català les "Directrius per a la producció i preservació d’objectes d’àudio digital" de la IASA, una obra considerada imprescindible per als professionals de la preservació i digitalització de documents sonors.


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