
Call for Papers for the 43rd IASA Annual Conference

Call for Papers for the 43rd IASA Annual Conference

New Delhi, India, 7 – 11 October 2012

Theme: In Transition: Access for All

Indiana University Bloomington Media Preservation Blog

The Indiana University Bloomington Media Preservation Initiative announces the launch of a new blog at

The media preservation blog is designed for those who have read the Indiana reports--Meeting the Challenge of Media Preservation and the Media Preservation Survey--and want to follow our progress as we continue to develop and implement strategies and solutions for our campus. It may be of interest to universities and other organizations with archival audio, video, or film holdings.

Metadata Study by the ARSC Technical Committee

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) posts the following message.


The ARSC Technical Committee announces its release of "A Study of Embedded Metadata Support in Audio Recording Software: Summary of Findings and Conclusions." The document is available at:

This report presents the findings of a Technical Committee study,

UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

Just a friendly reminder that October 27, 2011 is UNESCO's 5th Annual World Day for Audiovisual Heritage! This years theme is "Audiovisual Heritage: See, Hear and Learn". If you are planning an event - even minor - please send the information and links (if relevant) to me at All events received before October 17, 2011 shall be listed on the IASA website.

Feel free to send me an update and/or pictures of your event anytime after October 27th.


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