The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Open Source Committee is happy to announce CURATEcamp: AVPres, an online, video conference-based CURATEcamp, focused specifically on the digital preservation and access needs of audiovisual collections. The camp will take place on April 19, 2013 from 12pm EST through the day (end time is still TBD). The sessions will be mostly held online via Google Hangout, with physical sites helping to gather archivist colleagues together locally.
28 Oct 2013 to 1 Nov 2013
Fall 2013 will witness the largest international scientific event on digital heritage in history, bringing together hundreds of researchers, educators, scientists, industry professionals and policy makers to debate, discuss and present digital technology applied to the protection, documentation, and understanding of humanity’s shared heritage.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Wed, 27/02/2013 - 12:24
Audiovisual Citation: Guidelines for referencing sound and moving image resources
Despite the exponential increase in the use of audiovisual material in teaching, learning and research in higher and further education, existing guidelines for the referencing of sound and moving image are insufficient as they are based on standards developed for the written word. This has the effect of discouraging the citing of sound and moving image, as well as creating barriers in its discovery, use and re-use.