The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Open Source Committee is happy to announce CURATEcamp: AVPres, an online, video conference-based CURATEcamp, focused specifically on the digital preservation and access needs of audiovisual collections. The camp will take place on April 19, 2013 from 12pm EST through the day (end time is still TBD). The sessions will be mostly held online via Google Hangout, with physical sites helping to gather archivist colleagues together locally. The outcome we're hoping for is a series of concrete digital moving image preservation roadblocks or issues that might be addressed via code and developer participation at a hackathon, to be proposed to be a part of the AMIA conference in Richmond, Virginia in November of this year.
You do not need to be a digital preservation specialist or software engineer to participate. The goal of CURATEcamp: AVPres is to collect the challenges of caretakers of audiovisual collections and work toward eventual software solutions to those. Everyone is welcome! Be ready to share your challenges, and even better, some of your data.
More information on CURATEcamp: AVPres can be found on our wiki. If you are interested in participating, we are now gathering topics (please be as specific as possible!) and registrations via the online survey linked here.
Organizers contact information can be found there, in case you have questions about participating. Find out more about other CURATEcamps here.
Lauren Sorensen, Kara Van Malssen, Steven Villereal
CURATEcamp: AVPres organizers