Keeping Tracks : A one day symposium on music and archives in the digital age
Where: Conference Centre, British Library
Price: Free, booking essential
A one-day seminar addressing issues in contemporary archiving for record labels, archives, institutions and individuals.
Beginning with a presentation of the British Library’s perspective on cutting-edge audio archiving techniques, delegates will hear from the experts how to best preserve, conserve and transfer sound recordings from physical to digital. The British Library’s pilot digital music deposit project for archiving contemporary releases will be introduced by its creators.
There will be sessions on labels and digital archiving, music archives and streaming, and the international archive picture. Other subjects include how developers and tech can open up content, the importance of metadata, and a close look at lost and found music and the reissue market.
Featuring speakers and presentations from The Beggars group, The BBC, The National Library of Norway, Decibel Music Systems, British Library Sound and Vision, The Wire Magazine, Music Tech Fest, The Quietus, Goldsmiths University, Trunk Records, Death Waltz Recording Company and Ace Records.