Submitted by Richard Ranft on Sun, 07/05/2017 - 18:14
This online bibliography has been compiled collaboratively by Peter Laurence, Filip Sir, and a team of two students on behalf of the IASA Discography Committee. Many contributions were also made by individual collectors and discographers, as well as colleagues from peer associations and memory institutions.
Once complete, it will include information about all current and out-of-print discographies published worldwide in print and electronic formats, including unpublished work in progress.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Wed, 10/02/2016 - 23:43
The 47th Annual Conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) will be hosted at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, between 24-29 September 2016.
The conference theme is: A World of Opportunity: Audiovisual Archives and the Digital Landscape.
This promises to be the best IASA conference ever!
A call for papers and further details will be issued in the next few days and published on the conference website. Meanwhile, make a note of the dates in your diaries.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Mon, 06/10/2014 - 17:00
Today at the 2014 Annual Conference held in the Centre for the Book, Cape Town, South Africa, the IASA Election Committee announced the results of the Executive Board elections.
This was the first time IASA had organised the voting exclusively by electronic ballot.
The results are as follows:
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Tue, 08/07/2014 - 00:03
2014 is an election year for the IASA Executive Board.
As required by the constitution, a nominating committee was appointed at the 2013 conference and a call for nominees was undertaken. The nomination process is now complete and the committee is pleased to announce the results (viewable by logged-in IASA members):