Submitted by Tre Berney on Mon, 11/07/2022 - 22:16
Sponsorship of the IASA annual conference is a unique opportunity to promote your business among key players in sound and audiovisual archiving, preservation, and restoration at a truly international forum. The IASA community is represented in many markets across the globe - Europe, the Americas, Australasia, Asia and Africa. The 2022 conference is an opportunity to demonstrate new technologies, new systems, and services to an an audience that is often in need of the support sponsors can provide.
12 Jul 2022 to 15 Jul 2022
We are pleased to announce that we are holding a workshop on " Digitisation and Archiving of Audio Recordings from the 12th to 15 th July at the Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology, American Institute of Indian Studies (ARCE).
Submitted by Tre Berney on Fri, 28/01/2022 - 18:28
ANNOUNCEMENT: SEAPAVAA’s 26th General Assembly (2–31 May 2022) and 26th Conference (19–21 July 2022)
Happy holiday greetings from the SEAPAVAA Executive Council (EC)!
It has been a fervent hope of everyone that we would be able to meet in person in 2022. However, with the continued development of the pandemic situation, bringing with it evolving travel restrictions and differing quarantine protocols, the EC concluded that it is prudent and realistic for SEAPAVAA’s 26th Conference to be held virtually from 19–21 July 2022.
Submitted by Tre Berney on Thu, 15/07/2021 - 17:25
The IASA 2021 online conference registration is open!
“Closing the gap for a new generation of sound and audiovisual archives”