
IASA 2011 Annual Conference

3 Sep 2011 to 8 Sep 2011
Frankfurt, Germany

The 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, between 3-8 September 2011.

The theme of the conference will be "Digital Sense and Nonsense: Digital Decision Making in Sound and Audiovisual Collections".

Australasian Sound Recordings Association

1 Sep 2010 to 3 Sep 2010
Melbourne, Australia

'Outside the Circle' will explore the development and growth of sound cultures that began life outside of commercial and mainstream circles.The 2010 Alice Moyle Lecture 'Pecan Summer – a 21st century Australian Opera' is a free public lecture and will be presented by Deborah Cheetham, Indigenous soprano, actor, opera composer and author at 11am Thursday 2nd September 2010, at the State Library of Victoria. the

ARSC Conference 2011: Call for Presentations

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections invites proposals for presentations at its 45th annual conference, to be held May 11-14, 2011, in Los Angeles.

ARSC welcomes papers on the preservation and study of sound recordings--in all genres of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. We seek papers and panels that are informative, display a passion for their subjects, and include compelling audio and visual content.

Art of Record Production Conference

3 Dec 2010 to 5 Dec 2010
Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

The Sixth Annual Art of Record Production Conference

Change and Continuity: transformations, innovations and tensions in the
art of record production


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