
Audio Engineering Society 130th Convention

13 May 2011 to 16 May 2011
London, UK

The AES 130th Convention Committee invites submission of technical papers for presentation at the 2011 May 13 to 16 meeting in London.

By 2011 January 5, a proposed title, 60- to 120-word abstract, and 500- to 750-word précis of the paper must be submitted electronically to the AES 130th proposal submission site at Submissions will be accepted starting approximately 2010 December 8. Presenting authors (one per paper) will receive a free CD-ROM of the papers.

Screening the Future 2011: New Strategies & Challenges in Audiovisual Archiving

14 Mar 2011 to 15 Mar 2011
Hilversum, Netherlands

Screening the Future 2011 will connect small and large archives, service providers, vendors, funders, policymakers, and educators developing solutions to the most urgent questions facing audiovisual archives. During the conference, PrestoCentre, a new AV competence centre will be launched. PrestoCentre will serve AV archives in Europe and beyond with advocacy, expertise, training, information, networking and tools in issues of digitisation and digital preservation. PrestoCentre is a full-time, action oriented and membership driven organiation.


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