Richard Ranft's blog

IASA 2012, Delhi, 7-11 October: registration is now online

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) 2012 conference "In Transition: Access for All" registration is now available online.

Hosted by the AIIS Archives and Research Center for Ethnomusicology ably guided by Shubha Chaudhuri this will be one of the most important meetings of recent times. Held in the India International Center, near the tourist resources of Delhi’s bustling metropolis, it will be an exciting time for IASA attendees.

Emil Berliner's voice recovered from a picture in a periodical

Fascinating story about Patrick Feaster's recovery of the voice of Emil Berliner from a picture in a periodical.

News release from Indiana University:

Blog with an audio clip

ARSC Preservation Grants Awards 2012

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) posts the following message. If you have any questions, please click on the link below.


Hack4Europe! 2012

[forwarded on behalf of Marcin Werla]
Dear colleagues,

I hope you will find this message interesting. In May this year together with Europeana Foundation, Polish National Audiovisual Institute and IT University of Copenhagen we are organizing a series of hackathons under a common name Hack4Europe! 2012.

Hack4Europe 2012 Copenhagen is being coordinated by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center in cooperation with IT University of Copenhagen. The event will take place on 10 and 11 May 2012 at IT University in Copenhagen.


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