The deterioration of polymers in audio-visual materials


Dr Michele Edge, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Presented at 1990 JTS in Ottawa; printed in the Proceedings Pages 29-39.

ISBN 1 873902 02 6

Published by the Technical Co-ordinating Committee

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Introduction by Henning Schou:
The next speaker is Michele Edge, who obtained BSc and PhD degrees from Manchester Polytechnic (now Manchester Metropolitan University) and is currently a Lecturer in the Chemistry Department of the same institution. She has widespread experience in photographic image related materials, especially with regard to their deterioration and stabilization, with twenty research publications to her credit. Together with Professor Norman Allen and Dr Jewitt of the Polytechnic and Mr Velson Horrie of the Manchester Museum, she has been primarily responsible for establishing the Centre for Archival Polymeric Materials, whose concern is to provide a consultative service to the archival and conservation worlds regarding polymeric materials.

Table of contents