National Sound Archive for Scotland

The Scottish Government will provide £100,000 for the National Library of Scotland to pilot a National Sound Archive for Scotland.

10th international workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval

24 Oct 2012 to 25 Oct 2012
Copenhagen, Denmark

The 10th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, AMR'2012, will be held on 24-25 October 2012 at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark. This 10th anniversary workshop of the series is dedicated to review the developments in the field over the last years. Hence, we welcome especially contributions that will review recent research and current trends in this field.
Main Topics

Multimedia retrieval systems (for text, image, audio, video and mixed-media)
Theoretical foundations of multimedia retrieval and mining

Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage: EUscreen's 2nd status report

EUscreen is pleased to announce its second status report Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage. In three chapters, the report gives an overview of technological developments bearing an influence on publishing and making accessible historical footage. The report discusses online heritage practices within Europe and beyond.

3-day course on Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections

Understanding and Preserving Audio Collections (3 day course)

The British Library, London, 22 - 24 October 2012


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