IASA TC04 Second Edition available

The Second Edition of the IASA-TC04, Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects, was officially launched at The British Library's Unlocking Audio 2 Conference in London in March 2009.

Already an accepted authority in the sound archiving field, the second edition is a thoroughly revised and updated publication with substantial new information and chapters.

The second edition now also contains:
• guidance in metadata, thoroughly explained with examples
• an entirely new structure on digital repositories which follows the OAIS guidelines
• an extensive amount of new information
• guidance on small scale storage solutions
• advice on out-sourced approaches.
Due to the Generosity of our sponsors (Translation Sponsor: Memnon; Gold Sponsor, Cube-Tec; Silver Sponsor: NOA ; Bronze Sponsors: RTE, National Library of Norway and the National Library of Australia), we have been able to reduce the cost to 15 Euros plus postage.
It is available from the IASA websiteNuack's Vintage Records, and the National Library of Australia's Online Bookshop.