Discovery Access Methods for Sound Recording Collections

15 May 2013
Kansas City, Missouri, USA

The Education and Training Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections presents "Discovery Access Methods for Sound Recording Collections." The workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., at the Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City,

This day-long workshop brings together professionals from a variety of backgrounds to discuss how audio resources can be found -- and made findable
-- in libraries, archives, digital collections, and discographies.

Scheduled speakers are: Nara Newcomer, Music and Media Librarian, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Thom Walker, Musical Digital Services Librarian,
Marshall University Libraries; Sam Brylawski, Editor/Project Manager, American Discography Project; and Joanne Archer, University of Maryland.

For those unable to attend in person, ARSC is again offering its workshop in a live-streaming, online version. An archived version will be made available
to all workshop registrants for a limited time. The workshop is approved for five Archival Recertification Credits through the Academy of Certified
Archivists. Contact ACA for more information.

The workshop registration fee is not included in the conference registration fee.

Discounted, early in-person workshop registration (closing April 23):
$75 for ARSC members, $85 for non-members, and $40 for student members.

Online (live-streaming) workshop registration (closing May 10):
$50 for ARSC members, $75 for non-members, and $35 for student members.

Detailed information about the workshop can be found at:

Please direct all workshop-related questions to the Education and Training Committee Co-Chairs:
Karen Fishman:, 202-707-5856
Aaron Bittel:, 310-825-1695

The 2013 ARSC Conference, May 15-18, offers a number of learning opportunities. Please see the preliminary program details at: