Submitted by bertramlyons on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 22:08
Indiana University announces the release of free, open source media preservation prioritization software created in collaboration with AVPreserve.
MediaSCORE (Media Selection: Condition, Obsolescence, and Risk Evaluation) enables a detailed analysis of degradation and obsolescence risk factors for most analog and physical digital audio and video formats.
MediaRIVERS (Media Research and Instructional Value Evaluation and Ranking System) guides a structured assessment of research and instructional value for media holdings.
26 May 2015 to 27 May 2015
The Archives at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) are pleased to welcome you to a two day seminar/meeting on the status, possibilities and importance of the Nordic audio-visual archives.
The meeting is held within the IASA Nordic Branch framework and priorities will be given to IASA members. However, the meeting is open to all Nordic audio-visual archives.
From its inception in 2007, DAS (Digital Asset Symposium) has brought together speakers and case studies providing a unique opportunity to compare approaches from a wide variety of institutions dealing with the same digital challenges. Bringing together content creators, technologists, and caretakers to address the full lifecycle of a media asset – from production to rights management.
As the world’s largest association of professional media archivists, AMIA is uniquely poised to bring together a broad range of experts in examining the lifecycle of a digital media asset.
New to managing digital collections? Need a refresher? Or are you well into a digital project and want to confirm you are on the right track? We welcome administrators and staff from libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations, as well as corporate archivists and government records managers - anyone eager to learn about the basics of digitization. Student rates are available.