Association for Recorded Sound Collections

What’s Up with DAT?: A Discussion on Digital Audio Tape

3 Nov 2021
What’s Up with DAT?: A Discussion on Digital Audio Tape
The Digital Audio Tape (DAT) format presents many preservation concerns, stemming from its physically fragile nature, complex playback mechanisms, and digital capture strategies. This webinar panel will survey cases, methods, and discussions among audio engineers and technicians who have strategies for tackling problems with DAT.

Critical Cataloging: Identifying and Dismantling Bias in Description

14 Jan 2021
Critical Cataloging: Identifying and Dismantling Bias in Description
Treshani Perera will discuss her experience incorporating critical cataloging principles as part of cataloging/metadata work, and provide examples and strategies for prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in description. Non-catalogers and/or metadata librarians are welcome to attend.

ARSC Virtual Conference 2021

12 May 2021 to 15 May 2021

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections invites proposals for
presentations, posters, and panels at its 55th annual conference, to be held
virtually, May 13-15, 2021.

Recognizing that the online platform for the 2021 conference offers
opportunities for global participation, we invite sound recording
historians, collectors, preservationists, and creators to engage on a broad
range of topics that cross geographic, cultural, and collection boundaries.


54th Annual ARSC Conference

21 May 2020 to 23 May 2020

ARSC is pleased to announce that it will host a virtual conference, May 21-23, 2020, 11 AM to 7 PM Eastern, instead of its previously scheduled meeting in Montréal.
The virtual conference will include live presentations on the Zoom Video Webinar Platform, and recorded presentations made available for on-demand viewing in the Aviary online platform.

The conference is free to all but registration is required. Please consider joining or donating to ARSC.


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