10.B. Rules
10.B.0. General rule
10.B.0.1. Generally more than one copy of an item will be maintained in an audiovisual archive. For this reason, Chapter 10 is intended to be repeated for as many duplicates or copies of the item that are held. Start a new paragraph, or a separate entry for each separate item and/or copy.
Commence with sufficient identification of the item within the collection. This will comprise a brief bibliographic citation for the item and/or copy, followed with an indication as to which item and/or copy it is. The remainder of the item /copy information includes information pertinent to the particular item, such as that outlined in 10.0.3-10.0.6 above.
10.B.1. Identification of the copy and/or item Give a brief citation drawn from the bibliographic description of the original item or first copy held. This should include the name and/or title of the original item or first copy held; statement(s) of responsibility, if appropriate; and edition/release statement, when necessary for identification. Where the original item or first copy held is a published sound recording, its full label name and catalogue number are to be included in the citation. For broadcast items include sufficient details about the broadcaster, and date of broadcast or other specific identifying information, such as tape number or episode number of a serial, in the citation for the original item or first copy held.
Follow with an indication that it is the first, second or third copy held, and/or an indication of the status of the item in the collection (Preservation, Duping, Access, etc.) and/or the accession or shelf number, according to the archive's collection management system and procedures.
Bessie Smith : the world's greatest blues singer. - CBS: CG33
1LP 00107034
Bessie Smith : the world's greatest blues singer. - CBS: CG33
Item 1: Preservation. - PLM000075 Item 2: Access. - ALM000034
10.B.2. Copy source
10.B.2.1. In the case of describing a copy, which has been made by the archive, and is derived from a source copy which is owned by the archive, it may only be necessary to refer to it by means of local shelf or accession number. The record corresponding to the source copy should already contain sufficient information about its own origins. Optionally, include a brief physical description of the original or provide a brief citation.
Bessie Smith : the world's greatest blues singer. - CBS: CG33
Copied from: 1LP 00107034: NSA-owned disc 30 cm 33 rpm
Alternatively, if appropriate to the archive's Collection management system and procedures, give full details of the status of the item in the collection.
[Works by Fritz Hart : in-house compilation]
Item 2: Duping. - DEJ000296. - 1 sound cassette (DAT, 22 min., 12 sec.)
Copied from: Item 1: Preservation. - PEL000153-PEL000154. - 2 sound tape reels (22 min., 12 sec.) : 76 cm/sec, 2 track, mono ; 25 cm
See also: 7.B.32 If the copy is derived from a source copy not owned by the archive, i.e. it has been loaned with permission for the archive to make its own copy before returning the original to its owner, enter details of the item as loaned and the name of the donor. Include the date of the loan, any record label/number information, title(s), if any, and a brief physical description.
78 rpm disc Columbia D359 loaned by Mrs E Dalgliesh on 3rd April 1976 for copying. The disc was returned on 20th of April
Tape T49963 (formerly SLN 51 411D 752) "Christmas at King's", loaned 5th January 1991 for copying by the BBC Sound Archives
10.B.2.3. If the copy or original item is acquired from an external source, give the details of the source, together with date of acquisition and method of acquisition in a note (see 10.B.7).
10.B.3. Date of copying and name of person(s) who made the copy
10.B.3.1. When the copy is made in-house, or has been commissioned externally for the archive, e.g. from a recording studio, precede a statement of the date on which the copy was made with a suitable term such as Dubbed or Copied, or its equivalent in another language and/or script.
10.B.3.2. Give the date of copying, if the copy is made in-house, or has been commissioned externally by the institution, e.g. from a recording studio.
Copied: 17 April 1998
10.B.3.3.Give the name of the person(s) who made the copy.
Copied by: Lloyd Stickells
10.B.4. Copyright and restrictions on the copy
10.B.4.1. CopyrightWhere the copy is made in-house, and the source of the copy is a published or a broadcast item, then whatever rights pertain to the source material hold true for the copy which will be understood as a necessary security or safeguarding measure rather than as an attempt to produce an unauthorised version for further distribution. Such information can therefore be left to reside with the bibliographic entry corresponding to the source material for the copy being made.
10.B.4.2. RestrictionsIf the source material for the copy is unpublished, then rights will depend on the terms on which the archive acquired the source copy. Such information can therefore be left to reside with the bibliographic entry corresponding to the source material for the copy being made.
Give here either Restricted or Unrestricted or their equivalent in another language and/or script. If the former, and where it may not be appropriate to display the full specific details of the restriction publically in the restrictions note of the bibliographic record (see 7.B.29), then include any relevant terms here.
Restricted: no access permitted until 30 (thirty) years after the donor's death
10.B.5. Physical descriptionDescribe the physical characteristics of the copy following the rules in Area 5. Add further detail, as required, in the notes (see also 7.B.14).
10.B.6. Series/Collection statement - DO NOT USE. Instead give collection statements or information relating to published series in the bibliographic record (see Area 6).
10.B.7. Notes
See also: 10.B.2.3
10.B.7.1. If appropriate, the first note must describe the audiovisual characteristics and/or the physical condition of the source material to be copied (see 7.B.10, 7.B.14-7.B.16).
Previously reproduced on a TEAC C-2X cassette deck with no noise reduction in circuit, monaural. Duration 00:11:59
Tape sticks to heads on playback machine
10.B.7.2. Include a general note including observations made by the conservator at the time the copy was made (see 7.B.14-7.B.17, 7.B.28).
The lender, who is also the performer in this recording, included a note to the effect that the pitch-corrected version (-3%) was to be used. This version had been prepared by EMI engineers. On listening to this version I found the opening bars badly broken up by drop-outs. The solution was to take the original recording and pitch correct that to achieve the desired effect
10.B.7.3. Describe the equipment and mechanical processes (e.g. added equalisation or noise reduction) used to make the copy and include any results and conclusions (see 7.B.17).
The audio signal was played into the DAR SoundStation where the original piece was copied to enable the pitch correction (-3%) to be applied along with the original version. The resulting VHS copy has, therefore, both versions which are digital transfers from SoundStation. The duration of the pitch-corrected version is 0:12:21
RIAA curve applied
Title: [Assorted NSA-owned 78 rpm dubbings]
1CS0075269 copy dubbed: EQ FLAT/636/FLAT; Mousetrap SC1; Cedar DC 20.0/Medium; CR 70.0/20.0/Cr1
Other copies dubbed: EQ FLAT/531/FLAT; Mousetrap SC1; Cedar DC 20.0/Medium; CR 51.0/20.0/Cr1
1CS0079054 copy dubbed: Cedar CR 61.0/20.0/Cr1.
10.B.7.4. Additionally, notes may also be included here regardless of whether or not the item is being copied. These may be notes on physical description (see 7.B.14), physical condition (see 7.B.15), quality of the recording (see 7.B.16) conservation/preservation (see 7.B.17), and on item or copy being described (see 7.B.28) may be included here.
10.B.7.5. For additional guidance on terms for describing the physical condition of sound recordings, see Appendix C.
10.B.7.6. Where the item is acquired from an external source, include the name of the source and the date and method of the acquistion (see 7.B.32).
10.B.8. Copy number(s)
10.B.8.1. Include any numbering associated with the copy, including local shelf-marks or accession numbers and external batch processing or contractor numbers.
Dubbing contractor's reference: JB 450
10.B.8.2.Since the properties of certain batches or makes of recordable carrier may be significant to future conservators or sound engineers, record the serial number of the carrier(s) used for the copy.
Physical description: 2 CDRs 63m (Red Book)
CD-R serial nos. 414616121305, 414616121327
10.B.8.3.Where there may be some variation between catalogue number information for different formats of the same release of a published recording, give the label and catalogue number information applicable to the item being described.
10.B.9. Reference to other copy number(s)While reference will already have been made to the source copy number in 10.B.2, there may be other copies related to the copy being described. These copies may be the results of earlier conservation activity which are themselves deteriorating and in need of replacement or they may be part of some archival policy to generate in all cases an access or playback copy as well as an archive or preservation copy. Include the numbers of any related copies with appropriate annotations.
Tape NNNNN now replaced by this copy. Earlier copy discarded
The access copy, which is a digital clone of the copy described above, is numbered Tape NNNNN