0.A. Source of information
A suitable basis for the description of sound recordings, videos and interactive multimedia can usually be found in the accompanying documentation and container packaging. This information is usually fuller than that which can be accommodated on the relatively small area of the label or, depending on the medium, other normally designated ‘chief’ source of information.
Also, information printed on labels and on accompanying documentation or containers is sometimes inaccurate. Where resources permit it is recommended that cataloguers should check information on older published items against extant scholarship, e.g. discographies (see also 0.F).
Moreover, in the case of unpublished and broadcast material, the best written information about content may not be available from written information on/in the item itself, or its accompanying documentation or container. Resources such as field notes, contents listings, interview summaries or transcripts, correspondence, broadcast programme schedules (published) or programme documentation (privileged information held by the broadcaster), as well as the audiovisual content of the item itself may be required to develop a description. For this reason, the terms ‘chief’ and ‘prescribed’ sources of information are not used in these rules.
0.A.1.1. Sources of information for Areas 1-3, 6 and corresponding areas in Analytic and multilevel description (Chapter 9)
Expanded from AACR2 1.0A1, 1.0A2, 1.1A2
Take information recorded in these areas, and corresponding areas in Analytic and multilevel description , from:
the item itself (including any permanently affixed labels, or title frames);
- accompanying textual material (e.g. cassette insert, CD slick, inlay or booklet, recording/project accompanying documentation such as correspondence, donor agreements, recordist’s worksheets, script, transcript, cue sheet);
- a container that is an original part of the item (e.g. sound cartridge, videocassette, sleeve, container for video); or from
- a secondary source such as reference or research works, a publisher’s or distributor’s brochure, broadcast programme schedule, abstract, index or other available finding aid, container which is not an original part of the item (e.g. a film can used to store a reel of film , tape box for storing audio tape), or the audiovisual content of the item itself.
If the information is taken from a secondary source, cite the source in a note, if appropriate (see 7.B.3).
Note: Title and performers from audio announcement
Note: Title and script writer from radio script. Performers and characters from back announcement on recording
Note: Title, performers and series from audition. Opening and closing theme and announcements missing. Assumed to be an episode of the radio serial "Dr Paul"
Note: Title from sleeve
Note: Description from field notes
Based on FIAF 0.3.8, 0.4
Enclose information in square brackets only when it is not available from any of the above sources of information, and where it is supplied by the archive or cataloguing agency on the basis that the information:
is known, or
is at least probable, and/or
in the case of title information, has been devised in the absence of a title in the sources of information, and/or constructed from available or known information.
Where this information is uncertain give a question mark after it.
Title: [Shark attack described by teenage male victim]
Title: [Clavichord? music]
0.A.1.2. Sources of information for Areas 5, 7 and 8, and Item/copy information according to Chapter 10
Based on ISBD (NBM) 0.5.2 para 2
Take information recorded in Areas 5 (Physical description), 7 (Notes), and 8 (Numbers and terms of availability) and as Item/copy information according to Chapter 10 from any appropriate source, including the item itself.
0.A.1.3. Sources of information for Area 4
For information recorded in Area 4, see 4.A.2.
0.A.1.4. Sources of information for items lacking collective title information
Based on ISBD (NBM) 0.5.1
In cataloguing an item comprising different works and lacking collective information pertaining to the whole item , treat the sources of information for the different works as if they were a single source. A common example would be a sound disc with a different label on each side
0.A.1.5. Sources of information for an item in several parts
Based on AACR2 1.0H2
Describe an item in several physical parts from information corresponding to the first part. If the first part is not available, use the first part that is available. If there is no discernible first part, use the part that gives the most information or best collective information (e.g. container). Show variations in the sources of information of subsequent parts in notes.
For kits, where the different components have individual sources of information, prefer the source that provides information that applies to the item as a whole and that includes a collective title.
0.A.1.6. Sources of information where the item is presented in different aspects
Based on AACR2 1.0H1 c)
If the information corresponding to the item presents the item in different aspects (e.g. as an individual item and as part of a multipart item), prefer the source that corresponds to the aspect in which the item is to be treated by the archive or cataloguing agency.0.A.1.7. Sources of information for recorded sound formats generated from the production process for a published sound recording
As with unpublished and broadcast materials, recorded sound formats from different stages of production (e.g. master tapes, metal mothers, test pressing s), may also be lacking in visible information.
Where the details for the corresponding published sound recording are available, base the information to describe a production format on the best available information which corresponds to the published sound recording. Include a note indicating the means of identification:
Note: Matrix numbers on metal mothers correspond with those on commercially released recording. Description based on details from published recording
(Example of two metal mothers corresponding to the two sides of a published disc)
Note: catalogue number and contents listing on master tape box corresponds with side B of commercially released recording. Description based on details from commercially released recording
(Example of one master tape corresponding to one side of a published disc).
Note: Test pressing with catalogue number only on plain white label. Description based on details from published recording and audition
Note: Promotional disc with "Not for sale" instruction pasted over commercial label. Description based on details from published recording
Note that a later release (publication) of the same sound recording will involve new recording rights, even if the publisher is the same. Moreover, a later release on a different label may also indicate a different publisher (and again different recording rights). Later releases, therefore, will normally require their own separate bibliographic descriptions.