0.F. Inaccuracies

Varied from ISBD (NBM) 0.10
Varied from AACR2 1.0F1

See also: 9.0.B.2 If the written information in the sources of information is misspelt or inaccurate, supply the correct spelling or accurate word, and give a note indicating that the error has been corrected.Title: Greek salad
Note: The item incorrectly states: Greek salad

Based on ISBD (NBM) 0.10
Based on AACR2 1.0F1
Alternatively, in an area where transcription from the sources of information is required, transcribe the inaccuracy or misspelled word as it appears in the item . Follow such an inaccuracy either by [sic] or by i.e. and the correction within square brackets. Supply a missing letter or letters in square brackets.

Some of me pomes [sic] / by Pam Ayers

The Paul Anthony Buck [i.e. Brick] lectures

What your child really wants to know about sex and why / by Will[i]am A. Block