
Registration opens for IASA Conference & ICTM Forum

We're happy to announce that registration is open for the 54th IASA Conference & 4th ICTM Forum in Istanbul, 11-15 September 2023.

You can register here:

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities 2023

Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities 2023

This is a call for sponsorship of the 2023 IASA Annual Conference and International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Forum. If you provide services that support audiovisual archives, materials, archivists, and cultural heritage institutions, please consider sponsoring the 2023 IASA Annual Conference and ICTM Forum. As hybrid event held in one of the world's great cities - Istanbul, Türkiye - this represents a unique opportunity to put your products and services in front of a large, global audience. 

IASA Executive Board for 2023-2026 - election announcement

Dear IASA colleagues,

As you know, 2023 is an election year for the IASA Executive Board. As stated in the IASA constitution: “The Executive Board shall be elected by the members of the Association. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to stand for election.” - See more at:

IASA Travel Awards 2023 Applications - now open

Deadline: 26 May

All IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives) members in good standing are welcome to apply for funding to attend the 54th Annual Conference in Istanbul, Türkiye. It will be held in conjunction with the 4th ICTM Forum at the Istanbul University from 11-15 September.

Guidelines are found on:


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