Submitted by bertramlyons on Fri, 29/03/2019 - 17:56
Congratulations to Carl Fleischhauer on receiving the 2018 IASA Special Recognition Award, announced last fall by IASA President, Toby Seay, at the annual conference in Ghana.
Submitted by bertramlyons on Mon, 25/02/2019 - 02:06
Dear colleagues --
I am happy to announce a call for papers for the Journal of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, Issue no. 50.
Important Dates
April 15, 2019: Full article submission deadline
June 15, 2019: Journal release
Editor: Bertram Lyons (
General Call for Papers
Submitted by bertramlyons on Fri, 21/12/2018 - 04:24
Dear Colleagues --
I am happy to announce that issue 49 of the IASA Journal has been published online for the first time on the new IASA Journal web platform:
For the first time, the IASA Journal presents its content as open-access scholarship available to all. We hope this is a step forward in growing the reach of IASA and sharing broadly the valuable knowledge of IASA's community.
Submitted by bertramlyons on Fri, 12/10/2018 - 05:21
Dear colleagues,
We, Janneke van Dalen (Austrian Film Museum, Vienna) and Nadja Šičarov (Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana) have been developing a project Share that Knowledge with an aim to form a working group which will develop strategies for transferring knowledge within audiovisual archives.