Select Bibliography
1. General, principles
- BOSTON, G. (Ed): Safeguarding the Documentary Heritage. A guide to Standards, Recommended Practices and Reference Literature Related to the Preservation of Documents of all Kinds. UNESCO, Paris 1998. extended CD-ROM version UNESCO, Paris 2000
- IASA Task Force on Selection, Marcella Breen et al (Ed): Selection criteria of analogue and digital audio contents for transfer to data formats for preservation purposes. International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) 2004.
- IASA Technical Committee: The Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy, edited by Dietrich Schüller (=IASA Technical Committee - Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 03), Version 3, 2005. also available in French, German, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Chinese.
- IASA Technical Committee: Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects, edited by Kevin Bradley (=IASA Technical Committee - Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 04), 2004. Second edition 2009.
- WARD, A.: A manual of sound archive administration. Gower Publishing, England, 1990.
2. Audiovisual Archiving Conference Proceedings
- Proceedings of the Joint Technical Symposia (JTS)
- Joint Technical Symposia have been organised 1987 – 2000 by the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) of the Audiovisual Archives Associations IASA, FIAF and FIAT; from 2004 onward by the Coordinating Council of the Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA). Topics of articles cover all subsections of this bibliography.
- TS 1987 Berlin - Orbanz, E. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the (Second) Joint Technical Symposium, Berlin 1987. Berlin 1988.
- JTS 1990 Ottawa - Boston, G. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the Third Joint Technical Symposium, Ottawa 1990. Milton Keynes 1992.
- JTS 1995 London - Boston, G. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Technical Symposium, London 1995. Milton Keynes 1999.
- JTS 2000 Paris - Aubert, M. and R. Billieud (Eds): Image and Sound Archiving and Access: The Challenges of the 3rd Millennium. Proceedings of the (Fifth) Joint Technical Symposium, Paris, 2000. Paris 2000.
- JTS 2004 Toronto - (website closed).
- JTS 2007 Toronto - (programme only, contents unavailable). 30 All URLs in this bibliography were accessed in June 2014.
- JTS 2010 Oslo -
- Proceedings of the AES 20th International Conference Archiving, Restoration, and New Methods of Archiving, Budapest, 5-7 October 2001, AES New York 2001.
3. Carriers, their composition, physical and chemical stability
This section contains inter alia “classical” literature: basic general articles and papers that had introduced and discussed the dominating preservation concerns of their time. It should be noted that materials used for the manufacture of audio and video carriers and their specific composition vary widely, as do production procedures, which influence stability of carriers. Results of these papers refer to the specific carriers under examination and, within these limits, results and conclusions may be valid. Generalising extrapolations, however, could be misleading, and should therefore be seen critically. See also -
- ADDIS. M. and G.VERES: Knowledge data base and report on [U-Matic ] tape condition. PrestoSpace Deliverable D 6.2, 2007.
- BERTRAM, N. and A. ESHEL: Recording Media Archival Attributes (Magnetic), New York 1980.
- BRADLEY, K.: Restoration of Tapes with a Polyester Urethane Binder. In: Phonographic Bulletin 61/1992.
- BREMS, K.: The Archival Quality of Film Bases. In JTS 1987, Berlin.
- BURT, L S.: Chemical Technology in the Edison Recording Industry. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- EDGE, M.: Approaches to the Conservation of Film and Sound Materials. In JTS 2000, Paris.
- FONTAINE, J.-M.: Eléments de caractérisation de la qualité initiale et du vieillissement des disques CD-R. In JTS 2000, Paris.
- GILMOUR, I. and V.FUMIC: Recent Developments in Decomposition and Preservation of Magnetic Tape, in: Phonographic Bulletin 61/1992.
- HAYAMA, F. et al: Study of Corrosion Stability on DAT Metal Tape. Paper read at the 92nd AES Convention, Vienna, March 1992. AES Preprint 3237.
- ISOM, W.R.: Evolution of the Disc Talking Machine. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- KHANNA, S.K.: Vinyl Compound for the Phonographic Industry. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- KUNEJ, D.: Instability and Vulnerability of CD-R Carriers to Sunlight. In: Proceedings of the AES 20th International Conference Archiving, Restoration, and New Methods of Archiving, Budapest, 5-7 October 2001, AES New York 2001, 18-25.
- MÜLLER, R.: On Improvements of Magnetic Tape. Shown by Measurements on Early and Newer Tapes. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10/1988.
- NAUMANN, K.E. and E.D. DANIEL: Audio Cassette Chromium Dioxide Tape. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10/1971.
- Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Method for Reconditioning Data Carriers. Inventors: P. Liepert, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, N. Wallaszkovits. Appl. filed 23.12.2011, published 05.07.2012. IPC: G11B 23/50 (2006.01), G03D 15/00 (2006.01). Pub. No.: WO/2012/088553.
- PINHEIRO, E., W.-D. WEBER and L. A. BARROSO: Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population. In: Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST’07), February 2007. disk_failures.pdf
- RUDA, J.C.: Record Manufacturing: Making the Sound for Everyone. In. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- SCHROEDER, B., and C.A. GIBSON: Disk Failure in the real World: What does an MTTF of 1,000.000 Hours mean to you?”. Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File Storage and Technologies, 2007.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Archival Tape Test. In: Phonographic Bulletin 27/1980.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Magnetic Tape Stability. Talking to Experts of Former Tape Manufacturers. In IASA Journal 42, 2014.
- SMITH, L.E.: Factors Governing the Long Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Washington 1989.
- SONY: Archived Stability of Metal Video Tapes, MPG Technical Report, vol. 6.
- THIÉBAUT, B., L.B.VILMONT and B. LAVÉDRINE: Report on video and audio tape deterioration mechanisms and considerations about implementation of a collection condition assessment method. PrestoSpace Deliverable D6.1, 2006.
- WALLSZKOVITS, N., P. LIEPERT, L. SPOLJARIC, and L. LUKACIC: Some not so well considered facts about ageing of plastics in audiovisual media. Forthcoming 2014.
4. Handling, environmental factors, storage conditions
- AES-Standards31, available from
- AES-11id (2006): AES Information document for Preservation of audio recordings - Extended term storage environment for multiple media archives (= ISO 18934 2011).
- AES22-1997 (2003): AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration -- Storage and handling -- Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape (= ISO 18923 2000).
- AES49-2005 (r2010): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Magnetic tape - Care and handling practices for extended usage (=ISO 18933 2012).
- ASCHINGER, E.: Report on Measurements of Magnetic Stray Fields in Sound Archives. In: Phonographic Bulletin 27/1980.
- British Standards Institution: Guide for the storage and exhibition of archival materials, 2012. PD 5454:2012.
- BYERS, F. R.: Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs - A guide for Librarians and Archivists. NIST Special Publication 500-252. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington DC, 2003.
- CALAS, M.-F. et J.-M.FONTAINE (Eds): La conservation des documents sonores. Paris 1996.
- COPELAND, P.: Manual of analogue audio restoration techniques. The British Library. London 2008.
- DIN 45 519, Teil 1: Magnetbänder für Schallaufzeichnung, Bestimmung der Kopierdämpfung, Februar 1976.
- FIAF (Ed): Preservation and Restoration of Moving Images and Sound, Brussels 1986.
- FONTAINE, J.-M.: Conservation des Enregistrements Sonores sur Bandes Magnétiques: Etude Bibliographique. In: Analyse et Conservation des Documents Graphiques et Sonores: Travaux du Centre des Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques 1982-1983. Paris 1984.
- GELLER, S.B.: Erasing Myths about Magnetic Media. In: Datamation, March 1976.
- ISO 18923 2000 Imaging materials – Polyester-base magnetic tape – storage practices.
- ISO 18933:2012 Imaging materials -- Magnetic tape -- Care and handling practices for extended usage.
- ISO 18934:2011 Imaging materials -- Multiple media archives -- Storage environment.
- ISO 18938:2008 Imaging materials -- Optical discs -- Care and handling for extended storage.
- ISO 18925:2013 Imaging materials -- Optical disc media -- Storage practices.
- KNIGHT, G.A.: Factors Relating to Long Term Storage of Magnetic Tape. In: Phonographic Bulletin 18/1977.
- Library of Congress: Cylinder, Disc, and Tape Care in a Nutshell.
- McWILLIAMS, J.: The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings, Nashville, 1979.
- PICKETT, A.G. and M.M. LEMCOE: Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings, Washington 1959. Reprint by ARSC, 1991.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Preservation of Audio and Video Materials in Tropical Countries. In IASA Journal 7/1996, 35-45. Revised edition in: International Preservation News 54, 31-43.
- St-LAURENT, G.: The care and handling of recorded sound materials.1996.
- WELZ, G.: On the Problem of Storing Videotapes. In JTS 1987.
5. Storage, building, air conditioning, general safety, disaster preparedness
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (Ed): ASHRAE Handbook. Four volumes.
- HÄFNER, A.: Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery. In IASA Journal 42/2014.
- IEC: Protection of structures against lighting IEC 1024-1.
- ISO 10456:2007 - Building materials and products -- Hygrothermal properties -- Tabulated design values and procedures for determining declared and design thermal values.
- ISO 14644-1:1999 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness.
- LOTICHIUS, D.: Sicherheit zuerst - auch für Tonträger. In Phonographic Bulletin 4/1972.
- LOTICHIUS, D.: Measures for the Preservation and for the Protection of Archived Program Property on Sound Carriers. In: Phonographic Bulletin 31/1981.
- MATTHEWS, G. and J. FEATHER (Ed): Disaster management for libraries and archives. Ashgate 2003.
- SEIBERT, A.: Guidelines for a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan including risk assessment, communication system, training and supplies. Library of Congress, Washington DC.
31. AES and respective ISO Standards are content-wise identical, apart from minor editorial differences.