AES 53rd Conference on Semantic Audio
Audio Engineering Society 53rd conference on Semantic Audio
London, UK, January 27-29, 2014.
Chairs: Karlheinz Brandenburg and Mark Sandler,
Semantic Audio is concerned with content-based management of digital audio recordings. The rapid evolution of digital audio technologies, e.g. audio data compression and streaming, the availability of large audio libraries online and offline, and recent developments in content-based audio retrieval have significantly changed the way digital audio is created, processed, and consumed. New audio content can be produced at lower cost, while also large audio archives at libraries or record labels are opening to the public. Thus the sheer amount of available audio data grows more and more each day.
Semantic analysis of audio resulting in high-level metadata descriptors such as musical chords and tempo, or the identification of speakers facilitate content-based management of audio recordings. Aside from audio retrieval and recommendation technologies, the semantics of audio signals are also becoming increasingly important, for instance, in object-based audio coding, as well as intelligent audio editing, and processing. Recent product releases already demonstrate this to a great extent, however, more innovative functionalities relying on semantic audio analysis and management are imminent. These functionalities may utilise, for instance, (informed) audio source separation, speaker segmentation and identification, structural music segmentation, or social and Semantic Web technologies, including ontologies and linked open data.
This conference will give a broad overview of the state of the art and address many of the new scientific disciplines involved in this still-emerging field. Our purpose is to continue fostering this line of interdisciplinary research. This is reflected by the wide variety of invited speakers presenting at the conference.
Keynote and invited speakers
Meinard Müller (International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany)
Gaël Richard (TELECOM ParisTech and CNRS, France)
Gerhard Widmer (Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)
Yves Raimond (BBC R&D, London, UK)
For an up-to-date list of the invited talks, please refer to the conference website at
Proposed topics for papers
* Audio signal processing and feature extraction
* Machine learning methods for audio content analysis
* Intelligent audio production using semantic analysis
* Intelligent audio effects
* Semantic audio description and ontologies
* Semantic Web and Linked Data for audio
* Automatic tagging of audio signals
* Speech processing and analysis
* Content-based audio retrieval
* Music informatics and retrieval
* Automatic music transcription
* Audio source separation
* Audio restoration
* User interfaces for audio management and retrieval
* Applications in gaming, entertainment, education, etc…
Important dates
Manuscript deadline: September 15, 2013.
Late-breaking demo/poster proposal deadline: October 15, 2013.
Acceptance emailed: November 6, 2013.
Camera-ready submission deadline: November 27, 2013.
Late-breaking paper deadline (extended abstracts): January 6, 2014.
Conference Programme
The three day conference programme includes oral and poster sessions to be held at the Barbican Centre in a convenient central London location, social events, and a technical tour at the BBC in London (participant numbers will be limited and subject to registration on a first come first served basis). An additional tutorial day will be held at Queen Mary University of London on effective research practices (e.g. the use of version control and unit testing in audio research) and selected topics TBC (e.g. Semantic Web technologies for audio and/or Sparse Representation).
Paper co-chairs
Christian Dittmar, Fraunhofer IDMT
George Fazekas, Queen Mary University of London
Sebastian Ewert, Queen Mary University of London
Organising Committee
Karlheinz Brandenburg (chair), Fraunhofer IDMT
Mark Sandler (chair), QMUL
Chris Baume, BBC R&D
Christian Dittmar, Fraunhofer IDMT
George Fazekas, QMUL
Joshua D. Reiss, QMUL
Michael Terrell, QMUL
Panos Kudumakis, QMUL
Sebastian Ewert, QMUL
Sue White, QMUL
Thomas Wilmering, QMUL
Yading Song, QMUL