12th Film Restoration and Preservation Workshop

25 Aug 2017 to 27 Aug 2017
Tokyo, Japan

 The 12th Film Restoration and Preservation Workshop
As the 12th edition of Japan's longest-standing film archival training course, this workshop is organized this year in Tokyo by the group of film lab technicians and archivists and with the support of National Film Center.  Open to the public including overseas students (pls note that teaching language is Japanese).

Contact email for the training event: ws12@filmpres.org
Start Date: 25/08/2017    
End Date: 27/08/2017  
Registration Deadline: 31/07/2017

Organizing institution: The 'Film Restoration and Preservation Workshop' Organizing Committee
Venue: Room   B-202, University of Electro-Communications [Denki-Tsūshin Daigaku]
 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, 182-0021, Tokyo, Japan

 Functioning as Japan’s first and longest-standing film archival training course, the 12th  edition of this workshop tries to give the participants every kind of information and skills necessary for the contemporary moving image archiving, and to discuss and share the daily problems the archivists commonly face.   The hybrid organizing committee consisting of IMAGICA, IMAGICA West, Tokyo Laboratory, Toy Film Museum, Film Preservation Society, and Japanese Association of Moving Image Archivists [tentatively named], cooperatively works with National Film Center, a FIAF member, whose curatorial and technical staff members contribute to this event as lecturers, panelists, and instructors, and strive hard to bring together various talents of Japan’s moving image archiving community including film studios, photochemical and digital labs, film and media manufacturers, filmmakers and librarians/historians/academicians.
Teaching language is Japanese.  Open to the public including overseas students.
Registration is closed when reaches the capacity.