IASA Executive Board Elections 2020
On behalf of the IASA Nominating Committee
Dear IASA colleagues,
Hope you are all staying safe and well during these difficult times.
As you know, 2020 is an election year for the IASA Executive Board. As stated in the IASA constitution: “The Executive Board shall be elected by the members of the Association. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to stand for election.” - See more at: http://www.iasa-web.org/iasa-constitution#part3-Exec
As required by the constitution, a nominating committee was appointed at the 2019 conference and a call for nominees was undertaken. The nomination process is now complete, and the committee is pleased to announce the results.
The following are the candidates for the IASA Executive Board for 2020-2023 (nominations for each office are in alphabetical order):
- For President:
Tre Berney (Cornell University Library, USA)
- For Vice-Presidents (3 positions):
Judith Opoku-Boateng (J.H. Kwabena Nketia Archives, University of Ghana)
Perla Olivia Rodríguez Reséndiz (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Rosie Rowe (Iowa State University, USA)
Yuri Shimoda (UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive, USA)
Margarida Ullate i Estanyol (Library of Catalonia, Spain)
Irfan Zuberi (National Cultural Audiovisual Archives, India)
- For Secretary General:
Bright Joshua (Archives of Malawi)
Elisabeth Steinhäuser (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF)
- For Editor:
Jennifer Vaughn (Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic)
- For Web Manager:
Ross Garrett (National Film & Sound Archive of Australia)
Richard Ranft (formerly of The British Library, London)
- For Treasurer:
Olaf Kosinsky (Treasurer, IASA German Branch)
Current IASA President, Toby Seay, becomes Past President.
Biographies and personal vision statements for each of the candidates can be found below:
Please take some time to review the candidates, and later this month members in good standing will receive a secure electronic ballot hosted by Helios Voting. All eligible individual and institutional members whose email addresses are up-to-date on the members e-list will receive a message from the Helios Voting Administrator that includes: brief instructions, a link to the online ballot, your voter ID, and your voter password.
If you believe you are a member in good standing and do not receive the invitation message from Helios Voting Administrator by June 30, please contact Peter Laurence (laurenc@fas.harvard.edu). Voting is very simple and will only take you a few minutes.
The voting period will close on July 31, 2020.
Thanks to all the candidates for agreeing to support IASA by running for the Executive Board.
Best wishes,
Peter Laurence
Chair, IASA Nominating Committee
Gabriele Fröschl
Member, IASA Nominating Committee
Grace Koch
Member, IASA Nominating Committee
- Toby Seay's blog
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