1. Principi generali
- BOSTON, G. (Ed): Safeguarding the Documentary Heritage. A guide to Standards, Recommended Practices and Reference Literature Related to the Preservation of Documents of all Kinds. UNESCO, Paris 1998. extended CD-ROM version UNESCO, Paris 2000
- IASA Task Force on Selection, Marcella Breen et al (Ed): Selection criteria of analogue and digital audio contents for transfer to data formats for preservation purposes. International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) 2004.
- IASA Technical Committee: The Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy, edited by Dietrich Schüller (=IASA Technical Committee - Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 03), Version 3, 2005. disponibile anche in Francese, Tedesco, Svedese, Spagnolo, Italiano, Russo e Cinese.
- IASA Technical Committee: Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects, edited by Kevin Bradley (=IASA Technical Committee - Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 04), 2004. Second edition 2009.
- WARD, A.: A manual of sound archive administration. Gower Publishing, England, 1990.
2. Atti delle conferenze sull’archiviazione degli audiovisivi.
- Proceedings of the Joint Technical Symposia (JTS).
- Joint Technical Symposia have been organised 1987 – 2000 by the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) of the Audiovisual Archives Associations IASA, FIAF and FIAT; from 2004 onward by the Coordinating Council of the Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA). Topics of articles cover all subsections of this bibliography.
- JTS 1987 Berlin - Orbanz, E. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the (Second) Joint Technical Symposium, Berlin 1987. Berlin 1988.
- JTS 1990 Ottawa - Boston, G. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the Third Joint Technical Symposium, Ottawa 1990. Milton Keynes 1992.
- JTS 1995 London - Boston, G. (Ed): Archiving the Audio-visual Heritage. Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Technical Symposium, London 1995. Milton Keynes 1999.
- JTS 2000 Paris - Aubert, M. and R. Billieud (Eds): Image and Sound Archiving and Access: The Challenges of the 3rd Millennium. Proceedings of the (Fifth) Joint Technical Symposium, Paris, 2000. Paris 2000.
- JTS 2004 Toronto - (website closed).
- JTS 2007 Toronto - (programme only, contents unavailable).
- JTS 2010 Oslo -
- Proceedings of the AES 20th International Conference Archiving, Restoration, and New Methods of Archiving, Budapest, 5-7 October 2001, AES New York 2001.
3. Supporti, loro composizione, stabilità fisica e chimica.
Questa sezione include i “classici”: articoli e saggi di base e generali che hanno introdotto e discusso le questioni principali riguardanti la conservazione nel loro periodo. Si noti che i materiali usati per la produzione dei supporti audio/video e la loro composizione specifica varia molto, così come le procedure di produzione, le quali influenzano la stabilità dei supporti. I risultati di questi saggi si riferiscono a i supporti specifici in esame e, entro questi limiti, i risultati e le conclusioni dovrebbero essere validi. Tuttavia, estrapolazioni e generalizzazioni potrebbero essere fuorvianti e per questo dovrebbero essere visti con occhio critico. Vedi anche -
- ADDIS. M. and G.VERES: Knowledge data base and report on [U-Matic] tape condition. PrestoSpace Deliverable D 6.2, 2007.
- BERTRAM, N. and A. ESHEL: Recording Media Archival Attributes (Magnetic), New York 1980.
- BRADLEY, K.: Restoration of Tapes with a Polyester Urethane Binder. In: Phonographic Bulletin 61/1992.
- BREMS, K.: The Archival Quality of Film Bases. In JTS 1987, Berlin.
- BURT, L S.: Chemical Technology in the Edison Recording Industry. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- EDGE, M.: Approaches to the Conservation of Film and Sound Materials. In JTS 2000, Paris.
- FONTAINE, J.-M.: Eléments de caractérisation de la qualité initiale et du vieillissement des disques CD-R. In JTS 2000, Paris.
- GILMOUR, I. and V.FUMIC: Recent Developments in Decomposition and Preservation of Magnetic Tape, in: Phonographic Bulletin 61/1992.
- HAYAMA, F. et al: Study of Corrosion Stability on DAT Metal Tape. Paper read at the 92nd AES Convention, Vienna, March 1992. AES Preprint 3237.
- ISOM, W.R.: Evolution of the Disc Talking Machine. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- KHANNA, S.K.: Vinyl Compound for the Phonographic Industry. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- KUNEJ, D.: Instability and Vulnerability of CD-R Carriers to Sunlight. In: Proceedings of the AES 20th International Conference Archiving, Restoration, and New Methods of Archiving, Budapest, 5-7 October 2001, AES New York 2001, 18-25.
- MÜLLER, R.: On Improvements of Magnetic Tape. Shown by Measurements on Early and Newer Tapes. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10/1988.
- NAUMANN, K.E. and E.D. DANIEL: Audio Cassette Chromium Dioxide Tape. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10/1971.
- Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Method for Reconditioning Data Carriers. Inventors: P. Liepert, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, N. Wallaszkovits. Appl. filed 23.12.2011, published 05.07.2012. IPC: G11B 23/50 (2006.01), G03D 15/00 (2006.01). Pub. No.: WO/2012/088553.
- PINHEIRO, E., W.-D. WEBER and L. A. BARROSO: Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population. In: Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST’07), February 2007.
- RUDA, J.C.: Record Manufacturing: Making the Sound for Everyone. In. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 10-11/1977.
- SCHROEDER, B., and C.A. GIBSON: Disk Failure in the real World: What does an MTTF of 1,000.000 Hours mean to you?”. Proceedings of the 5thUSENIX Conference on File Storage and Technologies, 2007.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Archival Tape Test. In: Phonographic Bulletin 27/1980.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Magnetic Tape Stability. Talking to Experts of Former Tape Manufacturers. In IASA Journal 42, 2014.
- SMITH, L.E.: Factors Governing the Long Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Washington 1989.
- SONY: Archived Stability of Metal Video Tapes, MPG Technical Report, vol. 6.
- THIÉBAUT, B., L.B.VILMONT and B. LAVÉDRINE: Report on video and audio tape deterioration mechanisms and considerations about implementation of a collection condition assessment method. PrestoSpace Deliverable D6.1, 2006.
- WALLSZKOVITS, N., P. LIEPERT, L. SPOLJARIC, and L. LUKACIC: Some not so well considered facts about ageing of plastics in audiovisual media. 2014.
4. Gestione, fattori ambientali, condizioni di archivio.
- AES-Standards, available from
- AES-11id (2006): AES Information document for Preservation of audio recordings - Extended term storage environment for multiple media archives (= ISO 18934 2011).
- AES22-1997 (2003): AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration -- Storage and handling -- Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape (= ISO 18923 2000).
- AES49-2005 (r2010): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Magnetic tape - Care and handling practices for extended usage (=ISO 18933 2012).
- ASCHINGER, E.: Report on Measurements of Magnetic Stray Fields in Sound Archives. In: Phonographic Bulletin 27/1980.
- British Standards Institution: Guide for the storage and exhibition of archival materials, 2012. PD 5454:2012.
- BYERS, F. R.: Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs - A guide for Librarians and Archivists. NIST Special Publication 500-252. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington DC, 2003.
- CALAS, M.-F. et J.-M.FONTAINE (Eds): La conservation des documents sonores. Paris 1996.
- COPELAND, P.: Manual of analogue audio restoration techniques. The British Library. London 2008.
- DIN 45 519, Teil 1: Magnetbänder für Schallaufzeichnung, Bestimmung der Kopierdämpfung, Februar 1976.
- FIAF (Ed): Preservation and Restoration of Moving Images and Sound, Brussels 1986.
- FONTAINE, J.-M.: Conservation des Enregistrements Sonores sur Bandes Magnétiques: Etude Bibliographique. In: Analyse et Conservation des Documents Graphiques et Sonores: Travaux du Centre des Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques 1982-1983. Paris 1984.
- GELLER, S.B.: Erasing Myths about Magnetic Media. In: Datamation, March 1976.
- ISO 18923 2000 Imaging materials – Polyester-base magnetic tape – storage practices.
- ISO 18933:2012Imaging materials -- Magnetic tape -- Care and handling practices for extended usage.
- ISO 18934:2011Imaging materials -- Multiple media archives -- Storage environment.
- ISO 18938:2008Imaging materials -- Optical discs -- Care and handling for extended storage.
- ISO 18925:2013Imaging materials -- Optical disc media -- Storage practices.
- KNIGHT, G.A.: Factors Relating to Long Term Storage of Magnetic Tape. In: Phonographic Bulletin 18/1977.
- Library of Congress: Cylinder, Disc, and Tape Care in a Nutshell.
- McWILLIAMS, J.: The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings, Nashville, 1979.
- PICKETT, A.G. and M.M. LEMCOE: Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings, Washington 1959. Reprint by ARSC, 1991.
- SCHÜLLER, D.: Preservation of Audio and Video Materials in Tropical Countries. In IASA Journal 7/1996, 35-45. Revised edition in: International Preservation News 54, 31-43.
- St-LAURENT, G.: The care and handling of recorded sound materials.1996.
- WELZ, G.: On the Problem of Storing Videotapes. In JTS 1987.
5. Archiviazione, edifici, aria condizionata, sicurezza generale, prevenzione delle calamità.
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (Ed): ASHRAE Handbook. Four volumes.
- HÄFNER, A.: Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery. In IASA Journal 42/2014.
- IEC: Protection of structures against lighting IEC 1024-1.
- ISO 10456:2007 - Building materials and products -- Hygrothermal properties -- Tabulated design values and procedures for determining declared and design thermal values.
- ISO 14644-1:1999 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness.
- LOTICHIUS, D.: Sicherheit zuerst - auch für Tonträger. In Phonographic Bulletin 4/1972.
- LOTICHIUS, D.: Measures for the Preservation and for the Protection of Archived Program Property on Sound Carriers. In: Phonographic Bulletin 31/1981.
- MATTHEWS, G.and J. FEATHER (Ed): Disaster management for libraries and archives. Ashgate 2003.
- SEIBERT, A.: Guidelines for a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan including risk assessment, communication system, training and supplies. Library of Congress, Washington DC.
Tutti gli URL presenti in questa bibliografia sono stati visitati nel giugno 2014.