5.7.6 Metadata and Collection Description The absence of metadata describing the field recording, its context and related rights, severely limits the value of the recording. The lack of metadata (including preservation metadata) can have serious implications not only for ingestion into a repository, but also for subsequent archival management and dissemination of archival information. This data is so significant that its lack may lead an archives manager to reject the content. There is also critical technical and preservation information necessary to acquiring field recordings which should be obtained at the time of recording and included in the archival record. These include: Recording device: Brand, model number, description of dynamically made adjustments during the course of the recording, recording level, recording format, encoding (not recommended but should circumstances require its use, it must be documented). Microphones: microphone types/ polar pattern, information about the microphone array, distance, special approach (like clip microphones, analytic multi microphone technique etc). Use of additional equipment such as windshields etc. description of room situation, etc. Carrier: type, specifications of original carrier (flash card, disk etc) or hard disk. Power source: batteries, 50 or 60 Hz AC, unstable or fluctuating power conditions, etc.