RTÉ Archives, Dublin, highlights recent film acquisition
Sunday 27 October is UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and the theme for this year is 'Saving our Heritage for the Next Generation'. UNESCO has made it part of its mission to raise public consciousness of the importance of the preservation of sound recordings and moving images. UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is an opportunity to showcase collections so that present and future generations can enjoy our shared audiovisual heritage. RTÉ Archives rececently acquired the film collection of David and Sally Shaw-Smith. In March 2013, a team from RTÉ Archives went to Creagh, Co. Mayo to take the film collection into storage. Among the productions David and his wife Sally made were the series ‘Hands’ and ‘Patterns’, which recorded the work of 40 traditional Irish crafts. For over 20 years, the original film from all their productions sat in tea chests in a barn in Creagh, Co Mayo. RTÉ Archives staff packed the 1,800 film cans into storage containers and brought them to the RTÉ Archives. More: http://www.rte.ie/archives/2013/1025/482609-unesco-world-day-for-audiovi...