IASA journal No 35, June 2010
- Editorial
- President’s Letter
- Tribute: Penelope Eckersley (1920 - 2010)
Rolf Schuursma - Alternative system for non-commercial use of intellectual property in consideration of free P2P file-sharing
Dionysia Kallinikou, Athens Law School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens; Marinos Papadopoulos J.D., M.Sc., Attorney-at-Law (Athens Bar Association); Alexandra Kaponi, LL.M., Attorney-at-Law (Athens Bar Association); Vassiliki Strakantouna M.Sc. Athens Law School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. - Music information: towards a converging view of physical, digital and temporal resources
Michael Fingerhut, Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique (IRCAM), France - Semantic BRICKS for performing arts archives and dissemination
Erik Mannens, Sam Coppens, Rik Van de Walle, IBBT-UGent-MMLab, Ghent, Belgium - Opening the archive — online access and rights management
Ingrid Finnane, National Library of Australia - Armonique: a framework for web audio archiving, searching, and metadata extraction
Bill Manaris , J.R. Armstrong, Thomas Zalonis, Computer Science Department, College of Charleston and Dwight Krehbiel, Psychology Department, Bethel College, USA - Overview of the ARC and the Muslim Music Crash Course (MMCC)
B. George, ARChive of Contemporary Music, New York, USA - Archiving traditional cultures: intellectual property implications
Brigitte Vezina - The VIDI-Video semantic video search engine
Marco Bertini, Università di Firenze, Italy, Marco Rendine, Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Italy - Digitisation of research sound collections: practical application of IASA Guidelines in small-scale digitisation projects
Nadja Wallaszkovits, Vienna Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences
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