ResCarta Toolkit: Make Audio and Video Digital Collections full-text searchable

14 Dec 2020

The goal of this webinar is to teach library professionals to make their digital collections of audio and video material searchable in full text.

Using the ResCarta Toolkit we are now able to transcribe audio and video material in one app, correct the transcribed text, index it and allow users to search for a specific word or phrase in the material. John Sarnowski, ResCarta Foundation founder will describe the software tools, and Andrija Sagic will demonstrate the process of preparing audio and video files and publishing them in searchable form.

Participants will have an opportunity to try the Toolkit with their own digital audio or video file (in English language) on their own computers. Time for Q&A and discussion will be included.


  • Andrija Sagić
    IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section (AVMS)
  • John Sarnowski
    ResCarta Foundation

This 90-minute webinar is free and open to the public. Please share this invitation openly.