The Lifecycle of the Digital Audiovisual Asset
Digital Asset Management in the Real World
"DAS 2011 offers in-depth, real world information on an ever-advancing technology. Case studies will offer a broad mix of institutions, providing a unique opportunity to compare approaches in different communities. This real-life approach will bring content creators, caretakers and vendors together to address the realities with which we are all faced, what works in theory, and what works in the real world.
22 Jun 2011 to 25 Jun 2011
No matter if you have just started the digitization of your audiovisual collection or you have almost finished it or your collection is already born-digital. Beware that your precious digital data, zeroes and ones, are even in a bigger danger than the original analogue material they have originated from. The preservation process is never finished; it just bears a new adjective: digital preservation.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Sat, 05/02/2011 - 16:12
AMD and VMD schemas revised and out for review
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Thu, 05/08/2010 - 19:49
The (U.S.) Federal Agencies Audio-Visual Working Group would like to inform readers of a user-community technical meeting pertaining to digital target formats for video preservation reformatting. The meeting will coincide with the IASA/AMIA joint conference in Philadelphia and will be held on November 1 from 3-6 pm, final location to be determined. The hope is that technically oriented persons from interested organizations will attend.