5.F. Items made up of several types of material
AACR2 1.10
5.F.1. AACR2 1.10A
This rule applies to items that are made up of two or more components, two or more of which belong to distinct material types (e.g. a sound recording and a printed text).
5.F.2. AACR2 1.10B
If an item has one predominant component, describe it in terms of that component and give details of the subsidiary component(s) as accompanying material following the physical description (see 5.E) or in a note (see 7.B.18).
47 slides : col. ; 5 x 5 cm. + 1 sound cassette
3 v. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Note: Sound disc (12 min. : analogue, 45 rpm , mono ; 17 cm) in pocket at end of v. 3.
5.F.3. Based on AACR2 1.10C
If an item has no predominant component, apply the following for the physical description of that item.
If a general material designation is used (see 1.C.1) for an item without a collective title, give the appropriate designation after each title (see 1.C.5); or, for an item with a collective title, follow the instructions in 1.C.4.
5.F.5. Based on AACR2 1.10C2
Apply whichever of the following three methods as appropriate to the item being described:
a) Give the extent of each part or group of parts belonging to each distinct class of material as the first element of the description (do this if no further physical description of each item is desired). Optionally, if the parts are in a container, name the container and give its dimensions.
12 slides, 1 sound cassette, 1 booklet, 1 map ; in box 16 x 30 x 20 cm
b) Give a separate physical description for each part or group of parts belonging to each distinct class of material (do this if further physical description of each item is desired). Give each physical description on a separate line. Optionally, if the parts are in a container, name the container after the last physical description and give its dimensions.
Hot deserts [kit ] / Ruth Way. - London : Toronto : Visual Publications, [1975?]
1 film strip (39 fr) : col. ; 35 mm
1 sound cassette (ca. 18 min.) : analogue, mono.
4 study prints : col. ; 29 x 88 cm folded to 29 x 44 cm
1 v. (15 p.) ; 22 cm
1 folded sheet (4 p.) : 22 cm
All in container 33 x 47 x 5 cm
c) For items with a large number of heterogeneous materials, give a general term as the extent. Give the number of such pieces unless it cannot be ascertained. Optionally, if the pieces are in a container, name the container and give its dimensions.
various sound cassettes
30 various sound discs (CDs)
42 various pieces ; in box 20 x 12 x 6 cm