1.D. Parallel titles
Developed from ISBD (NBM) 0.2A parallel title is the title proper in dialect, another language and/or script; or a title in dialect, another language and/or script presented as an equivalent of the title proper; or the title proper repeated with other title information in dialect, another language and/or script.
Based on AACR2 1.1D1Transcribe parallel titles in the order indicated by their sequence on, or by the layout of, the source of information.
Birds awakening in Normandy [sound recording] = Le réveil des oiseaux en Normandie
Kanu kalon-Breizh [sound recording] = [Chants profonds de Bretagne] (Compilation of recordings, sung in Breton. Text of the songs in Breton and French on the sleeve.)
Adapted from AACR2 1.1D3Transcribe an original title in a language different from that of the title proper appearing prominently in the source of information as a parallel title .
Pongo och de 101 dalmatinerna [videorecording] = One hundred and one Dalmatians
(American film dubbed into Swedish. The original title appears on the title frames.)
If such an original title does not appear prominently in the source of information, give the original title in a note (see 7.B.5)
The road warrior [motion picture]
Note: Originally released in Australia under the title Mad Max 2
Varied from AACR2If the title proper is repeated with other title information (see 1.E) in another language and/or script, transcribe the repeated title proper as a parallel title .
Locked up [videorecording] : a mother's rage = Locked up : en desperat kamp för livet
Based on AACR2 1.1D4Give parallel titles appearing in a secondary source of information in a note (see 7.B.5).
Trommelrhythmen der Malinke [sound recording]
Note: Parallel title: Rythmes de tambour des Malinke
Saa møj' en sørreli' Wies
Note: Parallel title: En meget sørgelig vise