0.D. Levels of detail in description
Based on AACR2 1.0D
The elements of description in the rules provide for a maximum set of information. This rule sets out three recommended levels of description each containing those elements that must be given as a minimum by archives and other cataloguing agencies choosing that level of description. Choose the level of description on the basis of the purpose of the catalogue or catalogues for which the entry is constructed, and the resources available to carry out the work.
Include the minimum set of elements for all items catalogued at the chosen level when the elements are applicable to the item being described and when, in the case of optional additions, the archive or cataloguing agency has chosen to include an optional element.
0.D.1. First level of description
Adapted from AACR2 1.0D1 For the first level of description, include at least the elements set out below:
Title proper / first statement of responsibility. - edition statement. - First publisher, etc., date of publication, etc. - copyright. - Extent of item . - Note(s). - Number(s).
0.D.2. Second level of description
Adapted from AACR2 1.0D2 For the second level of description, include at least the elements set out below:
Title proper [general material designation ] = Parallel title : other title information / first statement of responsibility ; each subsequent statement of responsibility - edition statement / first statement of responsibility relating to the edition . - First place of publication, etc. : First publisher, etc., date of publication, etc. - copyright. - Extent of item : other physical details ; dimensions. - (Title proper of series / statement of responsibility relating to series , ISSN of series ; numbering within the series . Title of subseries, ISSN of subseries ; numbering within subseries). - Note(s). - Number(s). 0.D.3. Third level of description
AACR2 1.0D3For the third level of description, include all elements set out in the following rules that are applicable to the item being described.