IASA 50th Conference - Call for Presentations
Call for Presentations IASA 2019 |
50th Annual Conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
30 September - 3 October 2019
Imagine the Future!
The Programme Committee for the IASA 2019 conference welcomes proposals representing a broad palette of archival and personal interests which are distinguished by their focus on sound and audiovisual documents. Subject areas might include musical recordings; historic, literary, folkloric, and ethnological sound documents; theatre productions; oral history interviews; news and broadcast materials; bio-acoustics; environmental and medical sounds; linguistic and dialect recordings; as well as recordings for forensic purposes. This year, IASA encourages presenters to envision the future of audiovisual content and to address concerns of interest for those who create, use, manage, and preserve such material.
The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) was founded in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 1969 to function as a medium for international co-operation between archives that preserve recorded sound and audiovisual documents. In 2019, we gather at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, one of the most prestigious audiovisual institutions in the world, to celebrate our past 50 years and to craft our future, all within easy reach of our founding city of Amsterdam. We welcome the inclusion of proposals for papers, posters, tutorials, or workshops that reflect IASA’s history or future.
The programme will include papers, posters, tutorials, and on 3 October, practical workshops.
The call for presentations is now open. Please submit your proposal by using the online submission form at: http://2019.iasa-web.org/call-presentations.
Following the IASA conference in the same location will be the Joint Technical Symposium (JTS). IASA and JTS will share an exciting collaborative day of workshops on October 3, 2019. Please consider the topics provided in the two conferences’ calls for proposals when submitting proposals to IASA and/or JTS.
*** The deadline for submissions is 11 February 2019 ***
Note: accommodation, traveling, and subsistence costs are the responsibility of the presenters. Presenters are required to register prior to expiry of the ‘Early Bird’ registration date on 2 September 2019 to remain on the programme. All other attendees are required to register and pay the registration fee in advance of the first conference day. IASA members may apply for a IASA Travel Award to assist with their travel costs. Presenters grant IASA the right to record and distribute their conference presentations unless specified in writing.
Visit the IASA 2019 conference website for details and regular updates:
IASA 2019 is hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision |
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