6.2.1 Submission Information Package (SIP) The SIP is an Information Package that is delivered to the repository and digital storage system for ingest. The SIP includes the audio data to be stored and all the necessary related metadata about the object and its content. Ingest, in the OAIS model, is the process that accepts the content and all its related metadata (SIP), verifies the file, extracts the relevant data and prepares the AIP for storage, and ensures that AIPs and their supporting Descriptive Information become established within the OAIS. A digital repository and preservation system should be able to accept and validate an audio file. Validation is a process that ensures that the files which are being accepted into the digital storage system comply with the standards. Non standard files may become difficult to use in the future when current replay systems no longer exist. Tools exist for automated validation of file formats, and some open source solutions, like JHOVE (JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment), are available and being further developed.