12. Oral history
(a) Books and Articles
Baum, W.K. Oral History for the Local Historical Society; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1969
Baum, W.K. Transcribing and Editing Oral History; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1977
Brooks, M. 'General fieldwork problems' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.30; 1981
Deering, M.J. 'State of the art' in OHMAR Newsletter, No.5; 1981
Drexel Library Quarterly, No. 15 'Managing oral history collections in the library'; 1979
Evans, G.E. The Days That We Have Seen; London: Faber and Faber; 1975 (see particularly chapters 1 and 2)
Evans, G.E. 'Approaches to interviewing' in Oral History, No.4; 1975
Friedel, F. and Leutchenbury, W.E.: see debate on the importance of oral history in Starr, L. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Second National Colloquium; Oral History Association; 1968
Goody, J. Literacy in Traditional Societies; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1968
Haley, A. 'Black history, oral history and genealogy' in The Oral History Review; 1973
Harrison, N. 'Oral history and recent political history' in Oral History, Vol. l, No.3; 1973
Henige, D. 'The problem of feed-back in oral tradition' in Journal of African History, Vo1.19; 1973
Henige, D. The Quest for Chimera: the Chronology of Oral Tradition; Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1974
Hoyle, N. 'Oral history' in Library Trends, Vol.2l; 1972
Ives, E.D. The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History; Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press; 1980
Lance, D. 'Oral history recording: a note on legal considerations' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976
Lance, D. An Archive Approach to Oral History; London: Imperial War Museum and International Association of Sound Archives; 1978
Lochead, R. 'Three approaches to oral history: the journalistic, the academic, and the archival' in Journal of the Canadian Oral History Association; Vol.l; 1975-6
Menninger, R. 'Some psychological factors involved in oral history interviewing' in The Oral History Review, 1975
Montell, W.L. and Allen, B. From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical Research; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1981
Moss, W. Oral History Program Manual; New York: Praeger Publishers; 1974
Nevins, A. The Gateway to History; New York: D. Appleton Century; 1938
Nevins, A. 'How and why it was born' in W.L.B., No.40; 1966
Niethammer, L. (Ed.) Lebenserfahrung und Kollectives Gedachtnis die Praxis der 'Oral History'; Frankfort: Syndikat; 1980
Ostry, B. 'The illusion of understanding: making the ambiguous intelligible' in The Oral History Review; 1975
Pfaff, E. 'Oral history: a new challenge for public libraries' in Wilson Library Bulletin, No.54; 1980
Raphael, F. et.al. 'Archives orales: une autre histoire' in Annales A.S.C., Vol.35, No. l; 1980
Roberts, A. 'The use of oral sources in African history' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976
Rumics, E. 'Oral history: defining the term' in Wilson Library Bulletin, No.40, 1966 212
Schuursma, R. 'Oral history and sound archives' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.30; 1981
Seldon, A. By Word of Mouth; London: Methuen; forthcoming
Starr, L. 'Oral history: problems and prospects' in Advances in Librarianship, Vol. II; New York: Seminar Press; 1971
Thompson, P. 'Problems of method in oral. history' in Oral History, No.4; 1975
Thompson, P. The Voice of the Past: Oral History; Oxford: Oxford University Press Opus Paperback; 1978
Tonkin, E. 'Implications of oracy: an anthropological view' in Oral History, Vol.3, No. l; 1975
Vansina, J. Oral Tradition: A study in Historical Methodology; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; 1965
Wilkie, J.W. Elitelore, Latin American Studies, Vol.22; Los Angeles: University of California; 1973
Wilkie, J.W. 'Alternative views of history: historical sources and oral history' in Greenleaf, R.W. and Meyer, M.C. (Eds.) Research in Medical History; Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press; 1973
(b) Bibliographies
Baum, W.K. (Comp.) 'Guidebooks for oral history projects' in History News, No.35; 1980
Bornat, J. 'Women's history and oral history: an outline bibliography' in Oral History, Vol.5, No.2; 1977
Fox, J. 'Bibliography up to date' in The Oral History Review; 1977
Karady, V.G. La Litterature Oral Africaine: Bibliographie Analytique: Paris: G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose; 1981
Schippers, D.J. 'Literature of oral history' in Starr, L. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Second National Colloquium: Oral History Association; 1968
Tonkin, E. 'Implications of oracy' in Oral History, Vol.3, No. l; 1975 (includes a useful bibliography relating to oral history, social anthropology and African history)
Turner, R. 'The contribution of oral evidence to labour history' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976 (contains a useful bibliography relating to oral history, labour and political history)
Waserman, M.J. Bibliography on Oral History; Oral History Association; 1975
(c) Professional Journals
Canadian Oral History Association Journal; Editor: Richard Lochead, P.O. Box 301, Station "A", Case Post, OTTAWA, Ontario KIN 8V3, Canada
International Journal of Oral History; Editor-in Chief: Ronald J. Grele, Columbia University, Butler Library, Oral History Research Office, NEW YORK NY10027, USA
Oral History (Journal of the Oral History Society); Editors: Paul Thompson and Joanna Bornat, University of Essex, Sociology Department, COLCHESTER C04 3SQ, England
Sound Heritage; Editor: Charles Lillard, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Sound and Moving Image Division, VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada
The Oral History Association of Australia Journal; Editors: Morag Loh and Wendy Lowenstein, The Oral History Association of Australia, c/o 97 Ullapool Road, MT. PLEASANT, W.A. 6153, Australia
The Oral History Review: Editor: Arthur A. Hansen, California State University, Department of History, FULLERTON, California 92634, USA