Letter from IASA’s Editor
I would like to announce some changes to the publication of Bulletins. Members will have noticed there has not been a printed Bulletin for some time nor have there been any eBulletins. For this I apologise but I trust you've been able to keep up with relevant news and information via the website notice board and the IASALIST. The gap has come about while we consulted the IASA membership on the need for Bulletins and while we developed the new website to accommodate easier production.
From now on IASA will not produce a printed Information Bulletin. You can see past issues on the website under publications. The new programme will include 3 eBulletins a year, in quarters 1, 2 and 3. Members will receive an email notifying them that a new Bulletin is available. We will also produce an Annual Newsletter issued in the last quarter of the year following the annual conference. This will be made available online and also in hard copy to be mailed out to all members.
Please send items (brief notices, calls for papers, calls for information or assistance, announcements, etc) for the eBulletin to the Editor (janet.toppfargion@bl.uk) by 15 January, 15 April, 15 July.
Please send conference and event reports, IASA committee, section and branch reports, updates on projects, etc) for the Annual Newsletter to the Editor (janet.toppfargion@bl.uk) by 15 October. All Chairs of IASA committees, sections and branches will be asked to submit a written report for the Annual Newsletter.
Best wishes
Janet Topp Fargion