CFP: Journal of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, Issue no. 46

Reminder: Call for Papers: Journal of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, Issue no. 46

Important Dates:

  • March 7, 2016: Expression of interest deadline (this is a new extended date)
  • March 15, 2016: Full article submission deadline
  • April 30, 2016: Journal release

IASA Journal invites proposals covering general topics of interest to the sound and audiovisual archives communities throughout the world. Articles, reviews, essays, and technical documents are welcome. We encourage submissions that respond to critical issues for audiovisual archives today:

  • Degradation in legacy physical collections, especially magnetic carriers
  • Obsolescence of playback equipment and strategies for acquiring spare parts for playback machines
  • Selecting sustainable and compatible target codecs and wrappers for A-to-D video reformatting projects
  • The proliferation of born-digital audiovisual formats and codecs
  • Planning for the necessary technical infrastructure needed to ingest and manage the large digital collections being created and acquired at sound and audiovisual archives worldwide
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Metadata strategies for time-based media objects
  • Providing meaningful and useful access to sound and audiovisual collections for researchers of all kinds and in all locations

Please consider submitting an article covering one of these topics or the results of independent research that would be of interest to the IASA membership. Abstracts (maximum 250 words each) may be in French, German, Spanish, or English. Images can be sent as digital images in GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, or TIFF formats. Please send expressions of interest no later than March 4, 2016, via email to the editor:

Information for authors:

  1. Once accepted, final articles must be submitted to the editor by March 15, 2016.
  2. Soft copy as a .doc file for text should be submitted with minimal formatting.
  3. Illustrations (photographs, diagrams, tables, maps, etc) may be submitted as low resolution files placed in the .doc file AND high-resolution versions for publication must also be sent separately as attachments.
  4. Use footnotes not endnotes.
  5. References should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetic order and chronologically for each author and should adhere to the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style (
  6. Authors are encouraged to submit original research or to develop their conference presentations into more detailed accounts and/or arguments for publication in the journal. In principle, articles should be no longer than 5,000 words.

Information for advertisers:

Enquiries about advertising should be sent to the Editor ( Current rates can be seen on the website at

Please contact with any questions.

Thanks, and best --

Bertram Lyons, Editor, IASA Journal