2017 IASA Conference - Opening Keynote Speaker

Dear colleagues --

This year's IASA conference in Berlin will feature three keynote speakers during the course of the week. We will be promoting each of these idea leaders leading up to the conference.

I am happy to introduce you all to the opening keynote speaker: Jonathan Sterne.

Jonathan Sterne is Professor and James McGill Chair in Culture and Technology in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University. He is author of MP3: The Meaning of a Format (Duke 2012), The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction (Duke, 2003); and numerous articles on media, technologies and the politics of culture. He is also editor of The Sound Studies Reader (Routledge, 2012). His new projects consider instruments and instrumentalities; histories of signal processing; and the intersections of disability, technology and perception. Visit his website at http://sterneworks.org.

Jonathan will be delivering his keynote address on Monday September 18, 2017 11:15am-12:00pm in the Ethnologisches Museum, Room 2 (Auditorium), Takustraße 40, Berlin, Germany.

Don't miss it!

IASA conference registration is open. Visit the conference website, review the schedule of events, and register for the preeminent yearly gathering of the international sound and audiovisual archival communities!

Conference website: http://2017.iasa-web.org

Registration page: http://2017.iasa-web.org/registration

See you in Berlin!

- Bertram Lyons, IASA Editor
