2017 IASA Conference - 2nd Keynote Address

Dear colleagues --

This year's IASA conference in Berlin will feature three keynote speakers during the course of the week. We will be promoting each of these idea leaders leading up to the conference.

I am happy to introduce you all to the second keynote speaker: Bergis Jules.

Bergis Jules is the University and Political Papers Archivist at the University of California, Riverside, where he manages university archives, political papers, African American collections, and community archives projects.

Bergis has been central in the development of the U.S.-based project, Documenting the Now (or, DocNow), which is a tool and a community developed around supporting the ethical collection, use, and preservation of social media content.

DocNow responds to the public's use of social media for chronicling historically significant events as well as demand from scholars, students, and archivists, among others, seeking a user-friendly means of collecting and preserving this type of digital content. DocNow has a strong commitment to prioritizing ethical practices when working with social media content, especially in terms of collection and long-term preservation. This commitment extends to Twitter's notion of honoring user intent and the rights of content creators. The project is a collaborative effort among the University of Maryland, University of California at Riverside, and Washington University in St. Louis, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Read more: http://www.docnow.io/

Bergis will be delivering his keynote address on Wednesday September 20, 2017 09:00am-09:30am in the Ethnologisches Museum, Room 2 (Auditorium), Takustraße 40, Berlin, Germany.

Don't miss it!

IASA conference registration is open. Visit the conference website, review the schedule of events, and register for the preeminent yearly gathering of the international sound and audiovisual archival communities!

Conference website: http://2017.iasa-web.org

Registration page: http://2017.iasa-web.org/registration

See you in Berlin!

- Bertram Lyons, IASA Editor
