This IASA database is a comprehensive listing of organizations worldwide involved in sound and audiovisual archiving. Click on the country heading to sort by country, use the Category to filter by organisation type, or the search box to find a particular entry.
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The inclusion of commercial organisations in this list does not imply endorsement by IASA of their products or services.
Name | country |
North West Sound Archive | UNITED KINGDOM |
Northeast Ohio Broadcast Archives (NOBA) | UNITED STATES |
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) / Norsk rikskringkasting | NORWAY |
Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (Norsk Lydinstitutt) | NORWAY |
Norwegian Jazz Archives (NJA) | NORWAY |
Norwegian Music Information Centre | NORWAY |
Oman Centre for Traditional Music | OMAN |
Online Storage | UNITED STATES |
Österreichische Mediathek | AUSTRIA |
Österreichischer Rundfunk archives / Austrian Broadcasting Corporation | AUSTRIA |
Pacifica Radio Archives | UNITED STATES |
Pangloss Collection | FRANCE |
Paul Sacher Stiftung (Paul Sacher Foundation) | SWITZERLAND |
Phonogrammarchiv | AUSTRIA |
Phonogrammarchiv der Universität Zürich | SWITZERLAND |
Phonotéque québécoise | CANADA |
Polskie Radio S.A. | POLAND |
Provincial Archives of Alberta | CANADA |
Puerto Rico Corporation for Public Broadcasting | PUERTO RICO |