North Macedonia
Legal deposit for books & other printed materials?:
Legal deposit for audiovisual materials?:
Type of AV materials:
Film; Video recordings (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.)
AV depository:
All audiovisual materials created in Macedonia are deposited in the Macedonian Cinematheque
AV legal deposit law applied:
Amount of AV actually deposited:
Over 75%
AV law created:
AV legislation year comment:
If different years apply to different materials, enter materials and years (e.g. film 1952, TV 1972): For film materials the law is effective since 1994. For digital film materials there is new regulation and rule-book established in 2014.
Law name & number:
Macedonia, „Сл. весник на Р Македонија” бр.11/94 од 08.03.1994 година
Links to legislation:
Submitted by (name, and institution):
Aleksandar Trajkovski (Kinoteka na Makedonija)
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